If You Have Any Anxiety
About Passing the NPTE, Watch This Short Video Now!

If You Have Any Anxiety About Passing the NPTE, Watch This Short Video Now!

I’ve Seen Students Start PASSING Practice Exams With 80-90%'s After Using These Simple Test Taking Techniques! 
Get Your Virtual Ticket For 90% off! – Discount Available On This Page Only

The REAL Reason Some People Can't Pass the NPTE!

Dear Aspiring Physical Therapist,

It’s harder to pass the NPTE than ever before...(pass rates are the lowest they've been in over 15 years. )

With the addition of pictures, videos, and now clinical scenarios on the NPTE, passing the exam is not about knowing the information, it's about whether you can determine what the question is asking...

Most students are SMART ENOUGH to pass it...however, the NPTE demands that you be able to pick up on their subtle clues in the question. 

This inability to determine what the test creator wants might be why more students are failing and feeling like this profession is no longer for them. 

Here's where you can turn things around:

This Practice Question Bootcamp Is The Only NPTE Training Available That Uses Scientific Methods Used By Top Standardized Test Experts Around the World!  

They use a physical therapist's natural ability to overthink questions as a major advantage.

The end result is you can read questions FASTER and arrive at the answer they WANT

However, to truly dominate the NPTE, you'll need to go through tons of practice questions to get the hang of this new approach.

Everyone including...MDs, chiros, and nurses, all seem to have been exposed to these special test skills...

But from what I gathered professors ARE NOT teaching this in PT school...

This is why while these skills are taught to my top NPTE coaching students who pay over $5000, I'm offering you a seat inside of our private online bootcamp for just $29.99

Finally, Walk Into A Test KNOWING That You Are Going To PASS IT! 

The latest scientific research supports that graduate students who are trained in HOW TO answer standardized test questions PERFORM SIGNIFICANTLY better. 

Our exclusive Practice Question Bootcamp is the ONLY test taking training that implements this new groundbreaking research, allowing you to pick up on HIDDEN pieces of information you are likely skipping over in the question.
With this Practice Question Bootcamp, you can…
  • Learn HOW to Stop OVERTHINKING… 
  • ​Use POWERFUL techniques to PULL OUT HIDDEN CLUES in each question…
  • ​Spend time doing FUN PRACTICE QUESTIONS instead of reading...
  • ​Stop spending HOURS of wasted time studying without results...
  • ​Use the SKILLS provided in this training with EVERY TEST QUESTION! 
  • ​INCREASE your PRACTICE EXAM & NPTE SCORES without even opening a book!
Please do not underestimate the POWER of just knowing how to read questions properly...

They are the first recommendation to any student who: hates reading textbooks, studies without seeing major increases in scores, feels like they know enough but their scores don't show it. 

And while my top student pay thousands to get this information, you can get them as a special one-time only offer on this page for just $29.99 (save thousands!):
Normally $300 – Just $29.99 On This Page Only
Struggling to Pass Practice Exams, or Even Failed the NPTE before?

The Techniques in this Bootcamp Have Already Helped Hundreds in Your Shoes Finally Pass!

And as you may know, we are famous for helping people who struggle with the NPTE pass on their next attempt – even if… especially if… their situation is dire.

If you struggle with the NPTE, I know how much anxiety that can cause…

And I know a big part of calming that anxiety is to know that the next approach you take will be effective and will actually work... Leading you to that 600+ passing score the next time you take the NPTE!

So I just want to take a minute and share just a few of our success stories. Because cheat sheets were the very first tool I gave to each of these students
I want you to read for yourself what they’re capable of for YOU:

Stories From Real PT Hustle Students Who Have Now Passed The NPTE!

  • Trudy first took the NPTE in 2004 and failed four times in a row. Scared to death of her fifth attempt and ALL of the new NPTE changes, she gave up for over 15 years! Deciding to try again, she reached out to us just 8 weeks before the test. We taught her new test taking skills, identified her sticking points, and solved them. Result? On her final attempt, 23 years after graduating, she passed!
  • ​Despite being a quick study, Suzanne failed the NPTE twice, devastating her. We recommended a strategic approach to test taking. She started confidently but lost track of time, leaving just 30 minutes to answer 50 questions. Suzanne continued to trust her test taking method, but she left 19 blank. Suzanne was stunned weeks later when she passed, even with 19 questions left blank! Her new test taking system left her with more than enough to pass.
  • ​Ryan did everything his PT program recommended yet still bombed the NPTE, scoring in the low 500s. He considered himself a "bad test taker." Depressed after this failure, with only weeks until his retake, he came to us as a last hope. Through our 1-on-1 process, we identified Ryan's issue—misinterpreting questions. Almost overnight, his score jumped from 536 to a passing 695 simply by changing the way he approach the questions.
And here are two video testimonials from students sharing exactly how powerful the cheat sheets are:
Normally $300 – Just $29.99 On This Page Only
We’ve Made Sure to Make This Practice Question Bootcamp Available to EVERY STUDENT Who Needs It

No Matter Your Budget!

At the PT Hustle, we are known for our ability to turn around pretty much any
student and get them passing the NPTE. 

Although we normally sell our programs at a premium price, I want to give you this opportunity to be trained by ME and MY TEAM for just $29.99 - an instant 90% savings.

That’s because I want to make sure that no matter what your budget is, I put you in a far better position to pass the NPTE starting right now. 

So if you would like to greatly increase your odds of passing and get relief
from crushing test anxiety, claim your 90% discount and your virtual ticket to our
Normally $300 – Just $29.99 On This Page Only

This Practice Question Bootcamp Is Backed By Our 7-Day Money Back Guarantee

I know that this Practice Question Bootcamp will make a big difference in your confidence and scores when it comes to passing the NPTE. 

I’ve seen this BOOTCAMP work magic in situations where students were truly struggling and down to the wire. I know this Practice Question Bootcamp will work for you, too. That’s why they’re backed by a 7-day Money-Back Guarantee.

Shave your study time down and free up hours of time… while also having new confidence that you will pass the NPTE the next time you take it! 

With our money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain:
Normally $300 – Just $29.99 On This Page Only


Dr. Matthew Diller, PT

Director of Education & Test Strategy Programs

Dr. Diller is an NPTE Pass Specialist with a specialty in analyzing test questions and identifying hidden clues. Dr. Diller has trained hundreds of PT students helping them to achieve up to 35% and 165 point improvements in their exam scores. 


When is it: June 15th, 2024
Duration: 2 Hours (11:30AM EST - 1:30PM EST)
Where is it held: Zoom Classroom (Max 200 students)* 
How much is it: $300 General Admission (Early Bird 90% off or $29.99)
What will I learn: 
  • Learn to stop overthinking.
  • Use effective techniques to uncover hidden clues in questions.
  • ​Enjoy practicing with fun questions instead of just reading.
  • ​Avoid wasting hours studying with no results.
  • ​Apply the skills from this training to every test question.
  • ​Boost your practice exam and NPTE scores effortlessly.
Normally $300 – Just $29.99 On This Page Only
© Copyright 2024 - All Rights Reserved, PT Hustle

The PT Hustle, LLC is not affiliated with FSBPT or the NPTE. We do not guarantee results as exam outcomes are influenced by many factors such as personal effort, individual preparation, and test-taking ability. Our product is designed to provide study material and resources to help PT students prepare for the NPTE, but the ultimate outcome of the exam is the sole responsibility of the individual test-taker. Additionally, please be advised that any results displayed on our page or testimonials are not a guarantee of your personal exam results. The success of our program is dependent on individual efforts and performance, and your personal results may vary.

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